Oil free compressor

An oil-free compressor or an oil-free compressor is a compressor for air production that produces compressed air without using oil as a coolant. Conventional compressors use oil as a coolant to soften parts and reduce wear. But the oil-free compressor does not need oil for this.

An oil-free compressor either has no mechanical contact inside the compression chamber or uses alternative materials to protect the mechanism. Most oil-free compressors use other materials such as water or Teflon coating to keep the mechanisms working well. Since the lubrication of the bearings and gears is outside the compression chamber, proper sealing prevents contamination of the compressed air by oil, as a result we have 100% oil-free air. Some oil-free designs even eliminate metal-to-metal contact in the compression chamber, eliminating the need for lubrication.
These purity and environmental benefits often reduce your costs. If you’re looking to switch to an oil-free model, here are a few things to consider:

There is no need to collect or dispose of oil-filled condensate.

Bottom filters reduce the need for replacement because they do not filter oil.

Energy costs are minimized because there is no need to increase power.

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